• Address:
    432 Ouachita Ave., Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901

Please call us today! 512-239-8415

indoor house
A thank you to veterans and their bravery.

We recognize the service that veterans have done for this country. As such, we are here to give back to them what they have done for us. We offer a wide range of services that meet their care requirements and more. So, if you or a loved one has served in the military or is the spouse of a veteran, they are eligible for our veteran benefits program.

To qualify, seniors must:

  • Meet specific financial criteria
  • Have a total or permanent disability
  • Be over the age of 65
  • Serve at least one day during a period of war
  • Not have a dishonorable discharge

Once qualified, you can enjoy the following service:

  • Medication reminders
  • Errand running
  • Daily living assistance
  • Companionship
  • And more

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call to learn more.